Our Vision

Seed to Table envisions a vibrant and resilient community where all people, regardless of race, gender, geography, ability or socioeconomic status, have access to fresh produce that is nourishing, locally grown, and in keeping with their preferences. From our 4-acre farm plot, we strive to model a sustainable food system while providing equitable access to fresh foods and opportunities for community members to engage positively with farm-fresh foods.


Our Commitment to Equity

Seed to Table recognizes that within Central Oregon systemic injustices, such as racism, classism, ableism, ageism, and sexism perpetuate conditions that sustain poverty, cause hunger, and deny access to education and fresh produce essential to   health and wellness. With this understanding, we commit to serving our community with dignity and value for each individual and their lived experiences. 

We resolve to listen to and learn from our community. We will continue to educate ourselves on systems that sustain hunger and poverty and interrupt these systems where we can. We will work to increase access and stay rooted in the knowledge that learning is never finished. We understand that we have and will undoubtedly make mistakes. When we do, we will learn from them and take action to do better.